Everybody Loves Rays & Sharks!

Everybody Loves

Rays & Sharks!

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This stingray encounter and snorkeling excursion allows you to meet, interact with, feed and hold stingrays, which have been trained to meet and interact with humans.

These stingrays have had their barb clipped (it’s like a fingernail), so there is no “sting” possible.

After a brief introduction, you will meet the rays in waist-deep water for a 30-minute encounter where they will surround you and softly touch your legs, (much like a kitten) urging you to feed them. Allow the rays to eat out of your hand and pet their silky wings.

Then, move to the deeper part of the enclosure where, in full snorkel gear, you will be able to swim and dive for 30 minutes with stingrays, baby rays (in season), a few nurse sharks and many colorful fish in an area 4 to 18 feet deep featuring a new coral reef rescue installation: 10 Artificial Marine Habitats with more than 800 coral.

By purchasing this tour you will also have access to our beach club

Also enjoy the Beach Club that includes Ray’s Sand Bar, (a snack bar), photo and souvenir shop, macaws, parrots, a green gecko, and iguanas posing for pictures, hermit crab races, a massage tent, and a water trampoline.



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What’s included?

  • ALL Snorkel gear included & personal items safely secured in a sealed bag.
  • We offer two activities with the rays.
  • Private Beach Club.

Recommendations and restrictions

-Minimum age is 4 years.

-Pregnancies and/or people with back/neck injuries or respiratory conditions are not permitted.

-BYO towel & swimsuit.

-Do not use sunscreen (It has been proven to harm the coral reefs and marine life).

-Cameras are only allowed during the snorkeling portion of the water activity.

-Arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the tour.


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3 comments for “Everybody Loves Rays & Sharks!

  1. Gerardo Say:

    It was awesome!

    Yes, I recommend this tour

  2. Marco Say:

    This was great! I enjoyed a lot!

    Yes, I recommend this tour

  3. Dan Tatem Say:

    Excellent tour!! Best excursion we’ve done so far! Very professional staff and first rate accommodations.

    Yes, I recommend this tour

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